Last Chance! Nominate a Nurse Educator for The Nurse’s Touch Award

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They share their passion for nursing with you. Share your nomination with us. Nominations are closing this Friday, Oct. 14 at 4 p.m. CST! Don’t miss your chance to nominate an educator this year for The Nurse’s Touch Award.

What Is the Nurse’s Touch Award?

The Nurse’s Touch Award honors and acknowledges educators who make a difference in the lives of their students. The kind of educators you remember 20 years after graduation not for what they taught but for how they spoke with passion and compassion. Learn more about the award here.

What Does It Mean to Have the Nurse’s Touch?

  • Teaches with compassion, empathy, and sensitivity
  • Listens and takes extra time and care with students
  • Shares passion for nursing with students
  • Upholds professionalism
  • Skilled communicator

This is your last chance to nominate an educator who’s made a difference in your life. Don’t miss out! Nominate online today.

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