NCLEX Pass Rates during COVID-19

2 Min Read

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on, its effects on everything are becoming more and more pronounced. Everyone’s tired, mental and physical exhaustion are higher than ever, and we’re all starting to wonder if another wave of shutdowns is around the corner. In the midst of all of this fatigue, NCLEX pass rates look like they may be starting to drop off a bit. However, even with the avalanche of unpleasant news, we have some good news: ATI really can help you pass the NCLEX your first time.

What are the current pass rates?

  • RN: NCBSN data shows that NCLEX test takers for the RN version had been hovering around a pass rate of 89% for all of 2019 and into early 2020. By Q3, however, the first time pass for the RN had dropped to just under 85%.
  • PN: NCLEX first time test takers for the PN version had been around 86% pass rate in 2019 and early 2020. By Q3, the pass rate had dropped down to slightly below 83%.

In both cases, the drops in pass rates aren’t enormous – it’s down ~4% for RNs and ~3% for PNs – but they’re enough to be noticeable, and a good reminder of the importance of proper preparation.

ATI has a full NCLEX Tool Kit available to you to help you study, including free recorded review sessions and webinars to help you know what to expect and how to prepare for the test – check it out here.

We’re pleased to share added reassurance with ATI students preparing using Virtual-ATI and ATI Live Review. What are the current pass rates when students have studied using Virtual-ATI?

  • For RNs:
    • 2020 Q3 first time pass rates for NCLEX-RN test takers who studied using Virtual-ATI is 98%, which is 13% higher than the national average
    • Pass rates for those test takers who took the ATI Live Review is 95%, 10% higher than the national average
  • For PNs:
    • First time NCLEX PN test takers who studied using Virtual-ATI passed at a rate of 97% in Q3, which is 14% higher than the national average
    • Pass rates for NCLEX PN test takers using ATI Live Review was 95%, 12% higher than the national average

If you have access to Virtual-ATI or Live Review through your school, your instructor will share information with you about when the program will begin and how to access. If not, you can find more information about Virtual-ATI here, or about Live Review here.

Finally, follow along with our NCLEX Question of the week on ATI’s Facebook page. Make sure you click like and comment on the post to help it show up in your newsfeed and use the weekly opportunity to test your knowledge in a fun and no-pressure situation. It’s a great way to keep yourself on your toes and study random topics in small doses throughout the week.

Looking for a few more study tips? Check out our NCLEX blog posts!

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