Getting the Most out of your Asynchronous Online Course

2 Min Read

While we’re still in the midst of the pandemic, you’re likely to have a lot of online nursing classes. Online courses come in two forms: Synchronous, where you have a set meeting time and day with your instructor and class, and asynchronous, where the class never actually meets and you handle your workload without formal time in class. If you’ve never taken an asynchronous class before, here are some tips to help you manage this type of course easily.

1) Make sure to communicate with your instructor: Just because you don’t have a formal class meeting each week doesn’t mean you won’t get to know your instructor. Reach out and introduce yourself early on – it will help build a relationship with them and make sure you feel comfortable asking questions when you need to.

2) Don’t procrastinate: Sometimes it’s all too easy to wait for the last minute to finish an assignment, knowing you’ll be able to turn it in during class. When you’re taking an asynchronous class, that procrastination can be a huge problem. Download anything you need for an assignment at least a few days before the due date and get working. That way, if you have any questions, you can ask your teacher and know they’ll have time to get back to you before your deadline.

Here’s some tips to make your home study space work for you:

3) Plan for technology problems: You never know when you might run into technology issues in getting everything you need for an assignment, or when that last-second upload could get derailed by a bad internet connection. Building in some time for potential technology hiccups will save you a lot of worry and stress.

4) Don’t be afraid to ask questions: You won’t have a set class time to ask questions or hear questions that other students are asking. Get in the habit of emailing your instructor whenever you’re stuck on something, curious about a topic, or confused about an assignment. If you don’t hear back within a day or two, don’t be afraid to follow up.

5) Get to know your fellow students: Check in on class discussion boards and be an active participant. The more you put into discussion, the more you’ll get out of it. You may also be able to get a list of other students in the class from your instructor to form study groups and help keep each other accountable with assignments and deadlines.

Interested in an online study group? Check this out:

Asynchronous classes require a lot of accountability and organization as a student, but they can be a great way to learn online. You’re able to set your own schedule for studying, without having to worry about getting interrupted to sit through a lecture or spend time stuck on yet another Zoom. Once you get used to them, you may find you actually prefer this type of online class. They’re a great way to be able to continue your nursing education while time on campus is limited.

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