How to Set Up an Online Study Group

2 Min Read

As we all settle into a semester that may involve everything from online classes to remote proctored tests, there’s another part of your nursing education that may need to go virtual: Study groups. If you’re hoping to put together an online study group for your nursing classes, here’s a quick set of tips to help you get going.

1) Reach out to your instructor: Ask your nursing instructor if they have any guidelines about setting up an online study group, or if they have any tips that have worked with previous classes.

2) Post in your class discussion board: Ask the other students in your class discussion board if anyone is looking to join a study group, and trade emails or phone numbers so you have an easy way to get in touch. Your instructor may be willing to set up a post specifically for coordinating study group formation.

3) Schedule, schedule, schedule: Have a set day (or days) and time for your study group each week so that you can work it into your personal schedule more easily. Having a set time for your study groups also makes it easier to remember for everyone, helping you all get together and keep on track. Then, whether you’re meeting via Zoom, Google Meet, or some other software, have a standing weekly time and link set up for your sessions.

4) Map out your study sessions: Know what your group is going to be studying ahead of time, so that you’re ready for your study group sessions with questions and things you want to go over. This may be preparing for an upcoming quiz or test, or it could be reviewing your most recent classwork. Whatever it is, making sure everyone stays on the same topic will help you all get more out of your individual study sessions.

Related read: How to create a home study space

 5) Figure out group communication: Your study group will likely want or need to communicate with each other in between study sessions. The easiest way to do this is to have an agreed upon group communication format. Depending on what works best for everyone, this could be anything from a group text message to setting up a Discord server with channels for different topics. Whatever format you choose, make sure it’s one that’s comfortable and easy for everyone to use – the last thing anyone needs mid-semester is to learn yet another app or piece of software!

Related read: 6 tips for handling test anxiety during an uncertain year

Study groups can be a huge support as you work your way through your nursing education, giving you everything from added structure to your days spent online to a set of people who understand exactly what you’re going through, because they’re going through it too. Getting through it together can make nursing school a better experience for everyone.

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