(Updated February 2025)
Preparing for the ATI TEAS exam? Focusing your study efforts on the most challenging topics can help you maximize your score. Based on official scoring data from ATI, here are the top missed topic areas on the ATI TEAS, along with their corresponding sections in the Official ATI TEAS Study Guide.
Top 10 Most Missed Topic Areas on the ATI TEAS & Corresponding Study Guide Sections
1. Chemistry: Describe Chemical Reactions
Unit 3 Science, S.3.3 – Describe Chemical Reactions
- Explain the role of valence electrons in chemical reactivity
- Define covalent and ionic bonds
- Identify reactants and products in a chemical reaction
- Balance chemical reactions
- Explain the mole concept in terms of quantities in chemical reactions
2. Anatomy: Male and Female Reproductive Systems
Unit 3 Science, S.1.7 – Describe the Anatomy and Physiology of the Male and Female Reproductive System
- Identify structures of the reproductive system
- Explain the functions of the reproductive system
- Describe the relationship between the reproductive system and the endocrine system
3. Anatomy: Nervous System
Unit 3 Science, S.1.5 – Describe the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System
- Distinguish between the central and peripheral nervous system
- Describe the structure of a neuron
- Explain the functions of the nervous system
4. Math: Calculate Geometric Quantities
Unit 2 Math, M.2.4 – Calculate Geometric Quantities
- Area, perimeter, and volume formulas
- Geometric relationships and properties
- Application of formulas in word problems
5. Math: Convert Within and Between Standard and Metric Systems
Unit 2 Math, M.2.5 – Convert within and between standard and metric systems
- Convert within standard/customary/household systems (e.g., quarts to gallons, teaspoons to tablespoons)
- Common metric-to-standard conversions (mL to L, mcg to mg, cm to m)
- Given a conversion factor, convert between standard and metric systems (fluid oz to mL, lb to kg, Fahrenheit to Celsius).
6. Chemistry: Understand the Properties of Solutions
Unit 3 Science, S.3.5 – Understanding Properties of Solutions
- Describe the polarity of water and its influence on water as a solvent
- Distinguish between solvents and solutes
- Explain concentration and the dilution of solutions
- Describe osmosis and diffusion
- Distinguish between passive and active transport mechanisms
7. English: Using Language and Vocabulary to Express Ideas in Writing
Unit 4 English and Language Usage, E.3.1 – Apply Basic Knowledge of the Elements of the Writing Process to Communicate Effectively
- Identify steps to complete a writing task
- Identify when a citation is needed
- Effective use of vocabulary
8. Scientific Reasoning: Predict Relationships Among Events, Objects, and Processes
Unit 3 Science, S.4.3 – Predict Relationships Among Events, Objects, and Processes
- Compare the magnitude (e.g., size) of events, objects and processes
- Determine the casual relationship between events, (e.g., smoking and high blood pressure)
- Determining the logical order or sequence of a series of events within a process
9. Biology: Describe the Role of Microorganisms in Disease
Unit 3 Science, S.2.5 – Describe the Role of Microorganisms in Disease
- Define a microorganism
- Distinguish between the main groups of pathogenic microbes (e.g., viruses, bacteria, protozoans, fungi, animals)
- Distinguish between infectious and non-infectious disease
- Identify the microbial causes of common infectious diseases
- Identify types of microscopes and their uses
10. Anatomy: Endocrine System
Unit 3 Science, S.1.9 – Describe the Anatomy and Physiology of the Endocrine System
- Identify structures and functions of the endocrine system
- Describe the role of the endocrine system in homeostasis
- Recognize examples of positive and negative feedback mechanisms
- Describe the relationship between the endocrine system and the nervous system
Structure of the ATI TEAS Exam
The ATI TEAS exam consists of four content areas, assessing a student’s preparedness for nursing and allied health programs. The test includes 170 questions, with 150 scored and 20 unscored questions used for pre-testing validation. The total test time is 209 minutes. Each content area is timed separately.
Exam Breakdown:
- Reading: 45 Questions | 55 Minutes (6 unscored)
- Math: 38 Questions | 57 Minutes (4 unscored)
Optional 10-Minute Break
- Science: 50 Questions | 60 Minutes (6 unscored)
- English and Language Usage: 37 Questions | 37 Minutes (4 unscored)
Maximize Your Prep with the Official ATI TEAS Study Guide
Ensure you’re fully prepared by using the Official ATI TEAS Study Guide, which includes detailed explanations and a full-length online practice test. The eBook is available for as low as $20.
Ready to boost your TEAS score? Focus on these high-yield topics and use ATI’s official resources to ensure success!