Product Updates: Have you checked your Pulse?

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Have you checked your Pulse?

Meet your guide to predicting NCLEX success and tracking your progress throughout nursing school. While you’re busy mastering your Pharmacology course and powering through Fundamentals, it’s never too early to begin tracking your progress toward NCLEX success. That’s where Pulse comes in.

Pulse uses an algorithm powered by the data of more than 76,000 nursing students who have come before you. The insights gleaned from their performance in nursing school can tell you whether you’re on track for NCLEX success, need improvement, or are at-risk.

You’ll find this readout on the My Results tab within your student account. Your performance on your Content Mastery Series proctored exams feed the algorithm that calculates your probability of NCLEX success. Pulse re-calculates your NCLEX readiness after each ATI proctored exam, so you won’t see day-to-day movement on your NCLEX dial.

If you want to see day-to-day and week-to-week progress, keep reading. You will also begin to see new graphic readouts that report your use of individual products.

Pulse speedometers track your usage

  • Overall Usage vs Recommended Usage: This metric is an aggregation of the time you’ve spent working in the tutorials and the number of practice questions answered. It’s a good place to start, then you can dig deeper.
  • Actual Time Spent vs Recommended Time: This readout shows how many minutes you’ve spent working in your ATI tutorials against the time ATI recommends you spend in the tutorials.
  • Practice Questions Answered: You have access to hundreds of practice questions in the ATI portal. This shows you how many you’ve answered and how many are still available for you to answer.

You can drill down to more specific usage information by selecting a content area like Fundamentals or Pharmacology, and review your usage by product, module, practice test, and quiz.

So, what’s new with Pulse since it originally launched? In September 2019, there were several changes to the Pulse algorithm that could potentially change a student’s Probability of Passing score after the update. With the update to the Pulse algorithm, Nutrition proctored exam scores are now incorporated, as well as any Content Mastery Series proctored exam retakes, and ATI TEAS scores are no longer included. If you have any questions regarding your ATI Pulse score, please contact your instructor.

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