How To Stay Healthy During Nursing School

2 Min Read

As a nursing student, it can be tough to find a good balance between school and other areas of your life. Health is often one thing on a list of priorities that can be put on the back burner when life gets busy. But as a nursing student, you also know that you don’t have time to not feel well. Taking care of yourself can go a long way in staying healthy and motivated throughout nursing school and doesn’t take much time out of your already packed schedule.

Eat healthy

Maintaining a proper diet can help boost your immune system and improve your overall health. During long study sessions, opt for healthy snacks, such as carrots and hummus or string cheese, and make sure to eat a balance of protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy throughout the day.

Hit the gym

It may seem impossible to find time in your schedule to work out, but even 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference. Many college campuses offer easy access to a fitness facility or discounted gym memberships. Take advantage of this perk while you are still in school.

Take time for yourself

Self-care is important to maintaining both your mental and physical health. Find something you enjoy, such as meditation, yoga, going to the park, etc., and use it as a way to take some time for yourself. Even just an hour a week can make a huge difference.

Take precautions against illness

As a nurse, you will be exposed to a number of germs and illnesses, which is why it is a good idea to start practicing extra precautions while you are still in school. Hand hygiene is essential for a professional nurse and a great habit to start now. Load up on hand sanitizer, get your flu shot and make sure to hydrate often.

Taking care of yourself and managing your own health are important in all stages of your life, but especially so while you are still in school. After all, you need to take care of yourself to succeed in other areas of your life. These simple steps are great ways to focus on your health and help you get through even the toughest days in nursing school.

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