8 Study Tips to Help You Prep for Finals

2 Min Read

This year, let’s fuel your finals week. How? We’re sharing educator-approved study tips that will boost your confidence for exam day so that you can score big. After all, being finals-ready is half the battle.

Take the Reins: Be proactive about gathering your study materials well in advance.

Ditch the Distractions: Study in a setting similar to your test-taking environment. Yes, that means your cell phone, music and chatty study buddy.

Understand the Exam: Ensure that you know what you’re walking into on exam day – how many questions, types of questions, content on the exam, etc.

Set a Schedule: Plan your studying times in advance so that you never have an excuse to miss. Plug them into your calendar and let your friends and family know you will be busy.

Rewrite your Notes: This is especially important if your notes are scrambled and scattered because the information may be stored in your brain the same way! Remember, repetition helps retention.

Talk to your Instructor: Review any missed questions with your professor to master the content.

Inhale, Exhale, Repeat: Sufficient sleep, relaxation and yes – breathing – are all vital to student success.

Stick to the Essentials: Essential oils, that is! Research indicates that the use of essential oils is beneficial for various purposes, such as using lemon to support brain energy, peppermint to increase memory power or lavender to relax the body.  

Ready for more test day tips? Check out this helpful article highlighting test-taking strategies and practices for overcoming anxiety.


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