6 Reasons Nursing is a Great Second Career

2 Min Read

There are lots of great reasons to consider nursing as a second career. It’s a challenging and extremely rewarding career path. The job market is strong. The pay is generally very good. Lots of different specialties means you’re likely to find something that really holds your interest. If you’re considering going into nursing as a second career, here are some quick factors to keep in mind.

Nurses are in high demand

The Bureau of Labor Statistics says that 438,000 new nursing jobs are likely to be added to the workforce by 2026 – and that’s on top of the 2.7 million jobs already out there. A career in nursing can offer the job demand and stability that doesn’t always happen in other paths.

Don’t worry about age

People are switching careers later than ever – the AARP noted in 2018 that changing careers after age 50 has become common. If you have the aptitude and the energy, there’s no reason to let your age become a barrier to a career in nursing.

Your current skills will help

If you’ve already been working for a while, you’ve likely had the opportunity to learn soft skills like how to be professional, how to meet deadlines, how to communicate clearly, and how to apply critical thinking skills when you’re faced with a problem. All of these will help you get through nursing school and in your career as a nurse.

Interested in a career as a nurse? Learn more about nursing school admissions

No two days will be the same

You won’t know the challenges you’ll be facing before you get into your workplace for the day. This newness can be exhilarating, and it can also be the hardest thing about the job. Nursing is a great career for people who don’t love being stuck in a routine.

Career satisfaction is extremely high

Because the job revolves around making a real difference in patients’ lives, it’s no surprise that nursing is highly rated for career satisfaction. Overall, 83% of nurses are satisfied with their career choice.

Nursing school can be flexible

Becoming a nurse requires a solid education. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of options, including part-time programs and online programs, designed to fit your personal situation. And if you already have a Bachelor’s degree in another field, you may be able to get your Nursing degree quickly – check with the schools you’re interested in about accelerated degree programs that you might qualify for.

Whether you’re looking for a fresh start, higher job satisfaction, or a career that lets you work with people in meaningful ways, nursing can be an excellent career.

If you’ve thought it out and you’re ready to apply to nursing school, check out these essential tips.

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